Monday, July 26, 2010

Blast From The Past Post From 2008.

Here's an old post of mine on a slow Sunday morning.  I was reminded of this oldy but goody after a reader left a comment on this 2008 post of mine explaining why the mainstream media hates doctors so much.  Go read the post on why the mainstream media hates doctors so much. I'll give you the gist of the post. Doctors are hated because they work with poor people and poor people see doctors as being rich.  All other professionals with post graduate education degrees work mostly with other rich people, so they are out of site and out of mind to the poor.  When was the last time you heard the media complaining about all those rich successful architects or small business men and women?

Go read the post, then read this comment left by a medical student.  These are your future doctors.  They are  emotionally  spent and they haven't even experienced real life medicine yet.   Think they'll work for free after 25 years of continuous education? Think again.
Medical Student:
I am the son of a physician (family doctor) and I must say that I never really understood why people considered doctors to be wealthy. However, I did end up buying into it, yet I then came to the conclusion that maybe we were "wealthy" compared to the guy that works at McDonald's, Target, Blockbuster, etc. However, when I read your blog I realized why it is true that people, wrongfully so, consider doctors to be wealthy. I completely agree with the statement that doctors are compared to the poor and should not be. Doctors should be compared to lawyers, CEOs, stock brokers (a few of my friends went into this field and even during the "rough times" they are still making 200K!!!!) and other professionals. I just looked up to see when the last post was and realized that nobody is probably reading this blog anymore, I wonder how much hell you got for posting this from those that knew you. An MBA or CEO goes out and says we need to make more money, and those working for him cheer him on as a great leader and business man, a doctor tells the nurses and his staff that and they look at him as the greedy guy whom is already making more than they do and should be happy with it. I agree, you get what you pay for. Also, you don't have to accept Medicare and Medicaid (which I personally will not). If other physicians plan on accepting it, so be it. I'm sure it will be rough to turn down people, but that's what I'll pay my staff and office manager for, if not, I'll find another one that will do it, besides let us remember, we are trying to run a business. If you're a doctor and want to work for Medicare or Medicaid pay then go right ahead, don't give me your crap about we're doing this to help people, go and work for free if that's what gets you off. What other field can you say, hey you know what, I think its nice that you are charging 10 dollars for this, but I think I will only pay 3 dollars, thanks. By the way, if I end up using your product and hurt myself, I'm going to sue you. I wish you would keep posting although I'm sure there are a lot of problems with physicians that feel the same way you do posting a blog like this. Such is life right? Since I've posted this sort of commentary in the past and later on I'll get a reply saying something about how much pain and suffering there is in Africa, the Middle East, and other parts of the world, let us keep in mind what the author of this blog was trying to discuss, compare apples to apples. Besides if you want to look for the poor you don't have to go all the way to Africa, just downtown. 

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