In a code/critical situation it takes all kinds. Here are some of the people you wish WEREN'T there....
1) Spaz - acts like they know what they are doing, but create chaos in a critical situation.
2) Hero (aka Cowboy) - run to be in on a critical even if it isn't their patient.
3) Scardy cat - they are assigned to the critical rooms, but plant themselves at the computer to admit the patient, do meds, while everyone else does their work for them.
4) Shaky Shirley - scared shitless, often new, deer in the headlights look.
5) Superior Stan - when someones fumbles around with a piece of equipment that is not often used, rolls their eyes and says: "let me show you..."
6) Dr hysteric - when their patient goes bad their voice goes up several octaves and is like fingernails on a chalkboard.
7) Dr Lazy - watches the nurses try to start an IV on a patient 10 times instead of putting in a FRICKIN' CENTRAL LINE! Hellllllooooooo!!! Or waits til the 02 sats are in the 50's to INTUBATE!
8) Save 'em all Susie - puts a 99 year old through an hour code and all that goes with it. Won't let people die even when they really want to.
9) Neck craners - the type of person who slows traffic to look at an accident scene. Crowds into the room with a critical to stand around and watch until someone tells them to GET THE F-- out! if you don't belong here. When a code is brought to the ER from somewhere in the hospital these people come in droves.
10) Mad max - doctor who takes on an angry demeanor in a code telling people to hurry it up and do what he/she says. Yells at people. Cusses. Generally pisses off the staff.
emergency room nurse
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